Among the members of the Trinity, each Person engages in a specific work with regards to the world. Each member however is involved in the work of the other. In other words, the works of the three members of the Trinity are not done autonomously. In the Incarnation for example, the Holy Spirit was involved in communicating the Father’s will, words, and empowering God the Son in the person of Jesus. So it follows that whatever God the Father or the Son does in creation is also acomplished by the Spirit. Wayne Grudem succinctly defines the specific mission of the Holy Spirit as, “The work of the Holy Spirit is to manifest the active presence of God in the world and especially in the Church.” So form the outset of this discussion, the Holy Spirit needs to be seen as the presence of God’s activity in the entire history of creation. There is no aspect where He was, or is, or will not be active in creation.
From the very beginning of creation He is present and active. In Genesis 1:2 His first work was to “move” or to “brood” over the waters while the earth’s material was not yet organized. The creation account goes on to describe the six days of organization of the material of the universe and to set in into motion. Although we know from other verses that it was through Christ that all things are made and sustains them (cf. John 1:3; Col 1:16-17), the role that the Holy Spirit has in creation is to be the agent of organization and to give life. He can be attributed with providing all of the useful materials in the earth which are employed by mankind; the rich vegetation is for our happiness, and the glorious arrangement of the stars as a testimony to God.
The Holy Spirit has a good intention towards that which He has created, even after the curse came upon it through Adam’s sin (cf. Gen 3). “The Lord is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works. (Ps. 145:9; [cp.vv. 13, 15-17]). Being God’s active agent in the creation, it is through the Holy Spirit that God established order and laws of nature in the universe, and who continues to do so (cf. Ps. 104:30; Job 32:8). This good intention towards creation looks towards a future restoration, where in the Millennial Kingdom He will renew His creation. Isaiah writes under the Spirit’s inspiration, “Until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field is considered as a forest.” (Isa 32:15). God is not in overt hostility to the cursed creation. There is a tension in that it does reside under His curse on account of man, yet there is still a intention on the part of God to bless it utterly in the restoration of all things (cf. Rom 8:19-21). Until that time the creation is held in a kind of stasis of curse and blessing in Gods Providence.
Posted by MKB
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