Now, even though I was a bit of a skeptic towards Santa, and I had caught my folks assembling a "Big Wheel" tricycle in out living room, I had lost all faith in the existence of Santa. When I had told my friends what I had seen (we were in the 2nd grade) they threatened to not be my friend anymore if I didn't believe in Santa. I outwardly complied. But I knew it was a hoax.
Nevertheless, I had a nostalgic liking of the image of Santa. We had some pints of Thomas Nash's engravings that first captured the look of Santa that has stuck until today back in 1864. Yet, even growing up in a Lutheran home, Santa got more attention and affection from me than the Christ Child ever did. That just shows the stupidity of the unbeliever's heart.
Well, in reflection, and in talking with my wife (who never liked Santa as a child), we were considering what our response should be as believers, & what to tell our kids about Santa when we have any. The more you think about the powers and attributes of Santa, one can see how much he has borrowed from God. Santa is honored and respected on Christmas. Santa is the one who rewards good behavior with blessings, and bad behavior no blessings. Santa can see what you are doing at all times. Santa keeps a record of your sins and your good deeds.Santa is somewhat omnipresent (being everywhere around the world in one night). Santa "suffers the little children" as the Son did in earthly ministry to come to Him; only Santa does it at the mall.
Anyways, these are just a few that came to mind. But you can see how Santa can easily replace the affections that children have for God with affection for Santa. Santa is more prevalent, and seemingly more accessible (at the mall). And even if you were bad (and what kid isn't?) you knew that you'd get some kind of gift from Santa irregardless.
Our loving God is like that, and He is the originator of this kind of love. He gave the ultimate gift for us that Christians honor on December 25th. "For unto us a Son is given; unto us a Child is born," (Isaiah 9:6) and "That while we were yet sinners, Christ came and died for us."(Romans 5:8) Also remember the well known John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
So I would say, to my fellow Christians, and to those who do not believe, Christmas is an empty, self-centered vehicle for kids (and adults) without the recognition of the love of God towards you. Tear away all the trappings, commercialization, etc. (all of which Santa embodies) and what do you have left? What is at the center of your Christmas?
Even unbelievers, Humanists, and Atheists observe Christmas.
See link for article on "Why I Celebrate Christmas" by Richard Dawkins:
Their only problems having God at the center of it.

See link below for the article on the American Humanist Association ad campaign:
God must be the center of our lives, we can't be good just for goodness' sake. We as a species are incapable of it. We require a supernatural transformation of the inner man. That is the purpose and the point of Christmas. So we need not represent Ca Christian Christmas as the man in the image at the top of this page did. There's no excuse for being violent or abrasive about Santa. Only recognize and teach with love about the God of love who gave His Son as a ransom for all of us.
Have a blessed Christmas! And may God bless us, every one!
Posted by MKB
For more on a Christian response to Santa see John Piper's article: